Should You Teach in the Town You Live In?

I'm a hometown girl. I loved being an Eminence Redwing growing up; I bled red and black, my bedroom was Redwing-themed, and I was decked out for every spirit day. I taught in my hometown for four years, but now I teach about 30 minutes away (while still living in Eminence). I'm still getting used to wearing yellow, but at least it's not paired with purple! ;) If you're a teacher wondering whether to apply for a job in the town you live in or if you should branch out...this list may help you weigh your decision. Pros/Cons of Teaching in a Town You Don't Live In: Pros : Commuting: The 30-minute drive is nice to get my mind right before school, and it also serves as a decompression time before I get home to my family. I (surprisingly) love it! Work/life balance: Having a 30-minute drive forces me to be super productive in my time there. I leave at the contracted time and work about 7 days during the summer. That is a huge change from how much I was at school...